Fire Assessment

To Download the Dincel Wall Fire Assessment click here.
BAL Fire
Australian housing near or within bush areas are subject to seasonal bush fire attack. The level of attack varies depending on the bush fire intensity. CSIRO states that Dincel complies with Bush Fire Attack Level BAL-FZ which is the worst bush fire condition.
Refer to Dincel Wall Fire Assessment – Reference No:7 which can be found on pages 20 to 28.
Fire Hazard Properties
The Building Code of Australia (BCA) Specification C1.10 controls the use of building materials. The group of material and smoke quantity during fire are considered. CSIRO testing certification states that Dincel:
- Is a Group 1 material, which allows the use of Dincel in all areas of a building for flammability and smoke generation.
- Has smoke quantity significantly less than the BCA threshold.
Refer to Building Code of Australia - pages 6 to 9 for fire hazard considerations of the BCA.
Compliance categories
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